Title - Our title was made to be very eye catchy and to grab the audiences attention. The colour is suitable, the title is a name that suits the trailer well and relates to it. I believe the title sums up the whole trailer, when the audience read the title they will have an idea of what the soap opera is about.
Setting - The locations we used was very well and suited the soap opera well. It is very common locations which are used all the time. Most of these locations/settings are domestic locations and is used a lot in soap operas. We used a lot of these as we used a house, room and other domestic locations. We used this because it is typical soap opera locations that are used to be a successful soap.
Costume/props - the costumes used were not extreme, the clothes the characters were wearing was normal and casual and common clothes that characters in Eastenders wear. There are in domestic locations so therefore the need for extreme clothing is not suitable. However, there were not many props used apart from important documents and computers that Mario was using to do work. In real media products a lot of documents and computers are used to express the real life technology developed.
Camerawork/editing - The use of camerawork and editing was well used to represent our trailer as an real media product. We used a variety of camerawork to describe the locations and also characters. Use of close ups and shot reverse shots were used a lot to describe the characters. Close ups are used to show the emotions on characters face. Also shot reverse shots were used to describe conversations between characters. Establishing shots were used also to establish the location fully and to grab the audience attention. The editing skills were used well to improve the scenes, we used editing to cut some bits out which dragged on the storyline and made it boring towards the audience.
Title/font/style - The title font styles were large enough to attract audience and to make it clear enough to read it. We chose the suitable font/styles to grab attention of audiences and to make it like common real media products.
Narrative/storylines and how they are set up - The narrative/storylines were set up just like the real media products. There are many different storylines set up throughout the trailer to describe the different things happening. There are different types of storylines such as Love/gay relationships, gossip, pregnancy, stories and arguments.
Genre and how the sequence suggests it - The genres are clearly shown through the scenes described. The storylines clearly suggest about the genre and how the genre is produced. The locations we used were domestic locations such as houses and rooms to describe the genre. We done this to relate to the real life media products.
Characters and how they are introduced - The characters in the soap is clearly shown how they act and what type of personalities they have. By judging by their act in the soap shows what type of character they are. From the scenes described in the trailer, the audience can clearly guess what type of character they are.
Soundtrack - The soundtrack we chose was well suited to the soap opera trailer and attracted by audience. The sounds was used to build tension and suspense. It increases when it comes to the main plot and when tension is building. The sound is increased while the dialogue is decreased.